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Litmaps 是一款动态研究工具,旨在利用引文网络发现文献,从而彻底改变文献综述。 这款免费工具面向全球研究人员,从学生到经验丰富的专家,帮助他们快速高效地发现相关文章。 使用 Litmaps,您可以识别关键论文,发现研究空白,并通过新出版物的自动提示保持更新。 它的可视化功能可让您轻松掌握文献中的复杂关系,从而提高研究工作流程的理解力和效率。


Litmaps 为在浩瀚的学术文献中苦苦挣扎的现代研究人员提供了全面的解决方案。 传统的搜索方法严重依赖关键词和人工筛选参考文献,往往不足以应对数百万篇已发表论文的规模。 Litmaps 利用引文网络的力量来加强发现过程,使人们更容易找到被忽视但至关重要的文章,从而解决了这一难题。

Serving over 250,000 users in more than 150 countries, Litmaps has become a critical tool for a variety of users including students embarking on their first literature reviews, researchers deepening their expertise in specific fields, and R&D teams seeking to innovate. Its ever-evolving algorithms and tools enable users to:

Quickly complete literature reviews,
Receive notifications about new papers,
Identify influential authors and pivotal research, and
Share findings with peers effortlessly.
Litmaps goes beyond simple literature discovery by integrating features like Maps for collaboration, allowing researchers to visually navigate the connections between papers and discern important research trends and gaps. The tool's ability to alert users to new developments ensures that they remain at the forefront of their fields without constant manual searching.

Available for free with additional premium features, Litmaps supports academic communities with educational discounts and is committed to improving access to scientific resources globally. Its intuitive interface and powerful backend make it a go-to resource for anyone involved in academic research, proving to be an invaluable asset in the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific inquiry.


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