校对是制作高质量书面内容的必要步骤。但是,在依赖语言学习模型(LLM)(如 ChatGPT)的情况下,校对后的文本有时听起来会过于做作或生硬。包括 ChatGPT 在内的 LLM 倾向于 使用特定的短语和词语,这可能会使文本听起来过于机械或笨拙。例如,ChatGPT 可能经常使用这样的词语 "elucidate," "delve into," "gauge," "pivotal," "burgeoning," "realm," "dynamics," "intricate," "nuanced," "interconnected," "interplay," "articulate," "delineate," "underscore," and "showcase."

解决方案 1:要求人工智能避免使用生涩的词语
This is my revised manuscript. I have made all the changes. I need your help to respond to the reviewer. Please write the response to conform to academic style: no spelling and grammar mistakes, clarity, conciseness, and overall readability. Don’t use contractions. Don’t use the following words and phrases: "elucidate," "delve into," "gauge," "pivotal," "burgeoning," "realm," "dynamics," "intricate," "nuanced," "interconnected," "interplay," "articulate," "delineate," "underscore," and "showcase."
解决方案 2:提供明确的指导方针
Can you help me ensure that the grammar and spelling are correct? Do not attempt to polish the text; if no mistakes are found, please tell me that this paragraph is good. If you find grammar or spelling mistakes, please list the mistakes in a two-column markdown table. Put the original text in the first column, the corrected text in the second column, and highlight the keywords you fixed.
Example: Paragraph: How is you? Do you knows what is it? | Original sentence | Corrected sentence | | :--- | :--- | | How is you? | How are you? | | Do you knows what is it? | Do you know what it is? | Below is a paragraph from an academic paper. You need to report all grammar and spelling mistakes as in the example before. Paragraph: XXX
解决方案 3:使用其他校对工具
另一种方法是使用专门的校对工具,如 DeepL,它允许您选择不同的写作风格。您可以要求工具让文字听起来更自然,同时还能纠正语法和拼写错误。此外,有些 LLM 工具在校对方面做得更好。例如,Mystral 的 Le Chat 在校对方面就比 Gemini 好。
解决方案 4:仔细检查校对版本
通过遵循这些策略,您可以有效地使用 ChatGPT 等人工智能校对工具,而不会牺牲写作中的自然人情味。清晰的沟通、适当的工具选择和仔细的审查将帮助您保持内容的质量和真实性。